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Blue Cross Animal Hospital

Pet Home Dental Care

Brushing your pet’s teeth can be a great way to maintain their dental health in between dental exams.

Pet Teeth Brushing In-between Dental Exams

Brushing your pet’s teeth can be a great way to maintain their dental health in between dental exams. Just as you brush your own teeth to keep your mouth healthy in between visits to the dentist, brushing your pet’s teeth is not a substitute for a dental exam by your veterinarian, but it can keep your pet’s mouth as healthy as possible in between those exams.

Only Start Home Brushing Your Pet’s Teeth After a Veterinary Dental Exam

To help you get started with brushing your pet’s teeth at home, we’ve put together step by step brochure on introducing your pet to brushing. Remember, you should only start this program once you have had your pet’s mouth checked out by your veterinarian. Brushing won’t fix existing problems. If your pet experiences pain from existing dental issues, it will be a long time before you can try again.

Brushing your pet’s teeth is not a substitute for a dental exam by your veterinarian, but it can keep your pet’s mouth as healthy as possible in between those exams.

Download our Guide to Home Pet Teeth Brushing “Your Pet’s Home Dental Care”