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Veterinary Technician


 Nejra at Blue Cross Animal Hospital

Veterinary Technician


Nejra spent the first six years of her life in Banja Luka, Bosnia. From there she lived in Hungary and at the age of seven moved to Toronto with her family. Nejra has always loved animals and thought it would be amazing to work with them. The veterinary profession seemed a natural fit for her.

Each morning Nejra comes into work, and reviews the morning technicians’ and doctors’ notes so she knows how the animals have progressed overnight, and their current condition. She then does cage checks and asesses the pets for herself. After that, it’s putting in IV’s, doing blood draws, giving pets medication, filling prescriptions for the doctors and in the evening also doing nightly treatments.

Nejra has always been interested in learning the medical side of the veterinary profession. Since starting at Blue Cross Animal Hospital as an Animal Care Attendant, she has learned all her technical skills on the job, mentored by a registered veterinary technician, and with additional technical training by a veterinary technician teacher from Seneca.

“I love Blue Cross because I work with people that are true advocates for animals.”

Nejra has two dogs: Trigger and Nala. Trigger is a pit bull mix and has been her best friend since she was 17 years old. As Nejra says,“I feel like we grew up together. He is the most loyal and stable dog I’ve ever known and I can’t imagine my life without him.” Nala is a 7.5-year old Old Boston Bulldogge, a rare bulldog breed from which the boston terrier was created.

Nejra is truly happy when she is hiking with her dogs. She has also done a lot of dog rescue work, rehabilitating dogs that were deemed too dangerous or unfit for re-homing based on their breed.